Bernhard NeumannBernhard Neumann by Gremplin
Personal Branding

Mehr Aufmerksamkeit für Dich und dein Business

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Into Web3 with a plan

🤯 Getting started with the complex topics of NFTs & Web3

Most people don't know exactly where to start when it comes to the complex topics of NFTs, web3, and Metaverse. This is precisely the challenge I faced seven years ago when I began to immerse myself with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies daily. Ever since, I have been fascinated by the novel possibilities, this technology creates. Blockchain technology presents a far more efficient or even new solution to existing problems in many areas. Solving those is where it gets fun.

🤓 Workshops, Training & Strategies

Today, I would like to share my experience and knowledge to facilitate other people's access to the extraordinary possibilities of blockchain technologies. With workshops, training, and practical strategies. Therefore I help companies to validate these topic areas for their business and subsequently successfully implement them for themselves. In this way, you can use the opportunities of the technologies sustainably for your company's growth.

🏌🏻 With determination to success

As a former professional athlete and national player (golf), I also bring my sporting ambition and determination to the table. I want my clients to receive the best possible, sustainable learning experience and advice. On the one hand, this results in great implementations and products, but also in innovative solutions that can make the world more accessible and efficient. That is my daily drive.

Meine Story

🤓  Branding & Marketing (digital)

Seit mehr als 14 Jahren arbeite ich im Bereich digitales Branding und Marketing und darf hierbei zahlreiche namenhafte Unternehmen und Marken betreuen.

💎  NFTs, Web3 & Metaverse

Mein Branding- und Marketingwissen verbinde ich nun mit meiner langjährigen Expertise für Kryptowährungen und NFTs. So begleite ich Marken und Unternehmen seriös und mit Erfahrung bei ihrem Eintritt in das Web3/Metaverse.

Meine Story

🤓 Digitales Branding & Marketing

Seit mehr als 14 Jahren arbeite ich im Bereich digitales Branding und Marketing und darf hierbei zahlreiche namenhafte Unternehmen und Marken betreuen.

✅ NFTs, Web3 & das Metaverse

Mein Branding- und Marketingwissen verbinde ich nun mit meiner langjährigen Expertise für Kryptowährungen und NFTs. So begleite ich Marken und Unternehmen seriös und mit Erfahrung bei ihrem Eintritt in das Web3/Metaverse.

These selected clients trust me

Thomas Müller
Mey Maschinenbau
BMW Golfsport

Wie ich Ihnen helfen kann

Digitales Marketing

Mehr Kunden & mehr Umsatz durch digitales Marketing

Social Media

Digitaler Wachstums­treiber Ihres Unternehmens


Ihr überzeugender digitaler Auftritt führt zu mehr Umsatz


Digitales Marketing (Strategie + Umsetzung)


Erfolgreich auf LinkedIn, Instagram und Co.


Persönlich, direkt & transparent

What my clients say about me

"Bernhard is a real branding wizzard. I appreciate his strategic vision and his honest, direct manner. You can rely on him, and the results are outstanding."
Thomas Müller
FC Bayern
"Bernhard supported us competently and professionally in the rebranding of Mey Maschinenbau Prien, from the strategy workshop to the new homepage. We are continuously working with him to implement our branding and marketing strategy. We appreciate his open and direct communication and his smart approach. After only a short time, our digital presence in the mechanical engineering industry has increased measurably. We are clearly positioned and differentiated from our market competitors. In our daily collaboration, we see him as one of "us."
Dieter Leikermoser
Sales & Marketing Manager Mey Maschinenbau
"Bernhard helped us with the development of our social media strategy across different channels. He also helped to implement a holistic communication concept. We appreciate his passion and reliable project management in our work with him. The optimized strategy showed immediate positive results in our performance."
Greta Stefula
Head of Communication BMW Golfsport


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